It is very difficult to give any estimation for the release date.
Version 1.27 is the recommended version.
Version 2 will/could bring the following improvements/features/limitations:
Rendering of YouTube and websites will be available again. VideoPsalm 1.27 uses a navigation engine that is ‘too old’ for Google and YouTube.
Improvements to the slide panel, with the option of displaying slide previews instead of slide text.
Remote control application via smartphone and Wi-Fi/WLAN (may not be available in early versions 2).
Integrated transparent optional automatic and fast update.
In the next days (in January 2025), VideoPsalm will have a new website and I hope the transition will be smooth, especially as regards the links from the online library to the songbooks and Bibles.You could experience unavailability of the VideoPsalm website and the online library during a short period of time, possibly only during a few hours.
Limitations of version 2
Version 2 will be designed for Windows 10 and higher.It will no longer be compatible with Windows 8 and earlier versions of Windows.
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When will VideoPsalm 2 be release? and what's the diifference with the current latest version?
It would be great if you release the beta version of VideoPsalm 2 right now. At least we'll get several new updates including this issue solution.