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Forum Posts

Apr 13, 2024
In Feature requests
I can't find a previous request for this feature. VideoPsalm takes a little while to start up, but there is no feedback between clicking the shortcut to start VideoPsalm until the splash screen is shown some while later. This results in some of our users being uncertain that their click on the shortcut has worked, and so they click the shortcut again, and start more instances of VideoPsalm. The feature request is to show the splash screen immediately to provide the feedback that VideoPsalm has been started.
Oct 16, 2023
In Feature requests
This is a feature request that Page-Up always advances the side projection, Page-Down always shows the previous slide. For this to work currently, the Windows focus has to be on the current slide in the "Slides" panel (top right). This feature request is to always force Page-up and Page-down to display the next or previous slide, regardless of where the focus is. This could include changing the focus to the slides panel like F5 does now, as well as moving to the next or previous slide. Page-up and Page-down are the usual codes sent by wireless presenters. People using a presenter do sometimes forget to give focus to the "slides" panel after doing something else such as selecting an item in the agenda. When this happens and the wireless presenter doesn't achieve the expected result, panic often sets in, causing disruption to the worship. This feature request would have the good result that the wireless presenter would always move the sides even if focus has been left on the agenda or another panel. Page-up and Page-down don't currently perform any particularly useful function when the focus is in any of the other panels. What they do is duplicated by Home and End or Control+Home and Control+End, mirroring Microsoft Office functions. This means that the functionality would not be lost, and users would easily adapt to the alternative keys. You will notice that I have not mentioned the full-stop . key, which wireless presenters send to blank the display. The problem is that full stops are required in the text editor. (Apart from the Slides panel, full-stop has no effect when the focus is on any other panel.) Blanking the slide is a less-commonly used function, and I would have two suggestions for that. Firstly, the text editor is not accessible in Viewer Mode, and so I would suggest that a full-stop (also called 'period') would always blank the slide projection in Viewer Mode. Or equivalently, the full-stop would change focus to the Slides panel and blank the slide if focus is on any other panel than the Text Editor. It's not clear where the focus goes when switching between Edit and Viewer Mode! Alternatively, if Page-up and Page-down are set to always put focus in the slides panel as well as moving to next or previous slides, then the full-stop key would in any case blank the slide after at least one Page-up or Page-down has been sent.


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