I would like to request the addition of a new feature.
The feature I need is the ability to import an XML file that contains the order of the files (videos, images, PowerPoint presentations, etc.), along with their file paths and descriptions.
This XML file import functionality will allow me to create the "agenda" by reading from an Excel file (google sheets, etc.) and using Python to generate the XML file. This way, I can automatically set up the order and structure for the worship service presentation based on the information from the Excel sheet.
The imported XML should include:
Order of files: The exact sequence in which the files should be displayed (videos, images, PowerPoint presentations).
File paths: The location of each file on the system.
File descriptions: Any relevant descriptions or notes for each file.
This functionality would greatly streamline the process of organizing worship service presentations, allowing for more efficient preparation and execution.
thanks in advance!
Hi Victor, Thank you for your suggestion. I added it to the list of things to do and depending on popular demand, it will be included in a future version.